

When the kids no longer need child care services, consider dedicating that money to college funding.

你的孩子是数百万儿童保育中心的孩子之一吗? If so, child care expenses are likely a significant line item in your budget. 可靠的托儿服务可能很难负担得起. 根据最近的研究,送孩子去 日托平均每周340美元 如果雇保姆,平均每周要花费612美元.

为大学存钱 may seem impossible while paying for child care along with other fixed expenses, 比如住房, 公用事业和食品. 然而,隧道的尽头还是有光明的. When your child begins elementary school and no longer requires full-time child care, you may see a significant increase in your discretionary income each month.


Before you convert those child care dollars into disposable income, consider 为孩子的大学教育投资. After all, you may already be accustomed to living without that income. We have a 大学储蓄计算器 that can be utilized to help determine how much to save for your child’s college education. 请记住, 平均成本 for both tuition and books can vary greatly depending on the school selected.


There are different investment options available that offer tax advantages while you accumulate funds to help pay for future education expenses.


一种选择是 科威达教育储蓄帐户(ESA). ESA是一个信托或托管账户,有2美元,000 annual contribution limit that can be used for your child's elementary and secondary education, 以及专上教育, 比如大学, 研究生院或职业学校. 你可以定期投资于Coverdell ESA账户, 如果你的收入低于一定数额, with current year contributions accepted until that year's tax-filing deadline.


If you'd like to invest more toward your child's education, consider a 529储蓄计划 用于符合条件的高等教育费用. 取决于 529 plan 你可以选择,它也可以在小学或中学使用. 即使你没有达到你所在州允许的最高金额, it's a good idea to save smaller amounts every month or every paycheck.

A quality education may be one of the most important factors in determining your child's future. 开始存钱永远不会嫌早, and dedicating funds you previously used for child care may be a great way to start.

State Farm及其代理人都不提供税务或法律建议.

在投资529计划之前, 考虑计划的投资目标, risks, charges, 和费用. Contact the plan issuer for an official statement containing this and other information. 仔细阅读.

Investors should consider before investing whether their or their beneficiary's home state offers any state tax or other state benefits such as financial aid, 奖学金基金, and protection from creditors that are only available for investments in such state's qualified tuition program and should consult their tax advisor, 律师和/或其他法律顾问, 投资或税务情况.

Investments Are Not FDIC Insured* | No Bank, State or Federal Guarantee | May Lose Value


Automatic investment plans do not assure a profit or protect against loss.

If assets are not used for qualified expenses at an eligible educational institution, the earnings portion of the withdrawal is subject to federal income tax, an additional 10% federal tax and may be subject to state and local taxes.

合格的高等教育费用包括学费, fees, books, 入学或出勤所需的用品和设备, and certain room and board expenses incurred by students who are enrolled at least half time at an eligible educational institution. 这包括购买计算机或外围设备, 计算机软件, 或互联网接入及相关服务, if used primarily by the beneficiary during any of the years the beneficiary is enrolled. Also included are certain expenses for special-needs services needed by a special needs beneficiary, 学徒计划费用, and payment of principal or interest on any qualified education loan of the Beneficiary or a sibling of the Beneficiary (up to an aggregate lifetime limit of $10,000元/人). Qualified elementary and secondary education expenses include no more than $10,000英镑的学费, 由指定受益人产生, in connection with enrollment or attendance at an eligible elementary or secondary school. 各州法律各不相同, consult your tax professional about your particular situation regarding the state tax treatment of withdrawals for K-12 expenses.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.





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A 529 education savings plan is a tax-favored program operated by a state designed to help families save for future education costs.


Education savings account uses make them a practical tool to help pay for the cost of higher education. Here are some considerations for education savings account income limits, contributions and more.


Learn ways you can start saving for college now such as 529, Coverdell & 给未成年人的校服礼物以及大学的平均费用.

你存够大学学费了吗? 用这个计算器算一下

Determine what the future cost of college could be with this calculator.