

Find out how 油池泵s can help prevent water from damaging your home or business.

如果你的家或公司经常 地下室进水,你已经解决了 水浸的常见原因 和 repaired any noticeable leaks or broken pipes, you may want to consider looking into getting a 油池泵 installed. 


油底壳 (有时被称为水池, a 油底壳 pit or 油底壳 well) is a hole intentionally built at the lowest spot in a basement or crawlspace for the purpose of controlling w在这里 excess groundwater 和 rainwater collect.


油池泵 is a small 泵 that is typically housed in a 油底壳.


油底壳 泵s move excess water away from a structure’s foundation to help prevent water damage.


当水槽开始收集水的时候, the 油池泵 will kick on 和 begin 泵ing water out of the 油底壳 和 into a more desirable location away from a structure’s foundation, like a sloped yard or a municipal storm drain.

油底壳 泵 systems typically include three components:

  • 主要的  – The main source of water removal, typically powered by electricity.
  • 备用泵 —主泵故障时使用, 或者系统断电, or when the primary 泵 can’t remove water fast enough. 备用泵s are powered by either battery or water.
  • 水泵报警 – Lets you know when the water in the 油底壳 has risen to a level requiring additional measures to remove the water from the 油底壳.

What are the different types of 油池泵s?


  • 潜水泵 – Powered by a watertight electric motor that's coupled directly to the 泵 casing, this type of 泵 is designed to be immersed in water, 所以它位于地下室下面, 完全隐藏在水池里.
  • 底座式水泵 -由开放式电动机驱动, this type of 泵 (also called a "column type" or "upright" 油池泵) is not designed to be submerged in water, so it sits outside the 油底壳 和 above the basement floor.
  • 水动力水泵 – Powered by city water pressure instead of electrical power, this type of 泵 is designed to be submerged in water. Because it requires significant water pressure to function efficiently, it often can't be used if the water pressure is low or limited, or if the house gets its water from a private well.

Is 油池泵 failure covered by insurance?

T在这里 may be back-up of sewer or drain coverage available from your insurance carrier. See your insurance agent to discuss available coverages.


Many basements have 油底壳s built right into the floor. If this is the case, all you'll need is the 泵 itself. 然而, if your basement is not already equipped with a 油底壳, a plumbing expert or contractor may be able to tell you if it's possible to retrofit it.

For more information on 油池泵s, or to check if a certain 泵 is certified, visit the 油底壳 & 排污泵制造商协会.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). While we believe it to be reliable 和 accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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