

Learn information about what can cause stress in the workplace 和 some tips to help fend it off.

We live in a fast-paced world 和 stress can come from just about anyw在这里, including the workplace. 长期压力的影响——身体健康问题, 注意力难以集中, 焦虑, 抑郁症, 愤怒,甚至自杀——都是毁灭性的.

婚姻, 离婚移动 are often ranked as the three most stressful events in contemporary life, 工作场所的压力也不甘落后. 根据2020年的一项研究 美国心理学会, 64% of employed people reported that work is a significant source of stress in their lives.

虽然人们当然可以在高压力的情况下茁壮成长, ignoring long-term stress at work can be damaging to your health 和 career.


工作场所的压力是真实存在的,而且可能存在 很多原因. 下面是一些最常见的:

  • 长时间: 太长时间埋头苦干会让你付出代价, 让你感到疲劳,难以集中注意力.
  • 沉重的工作量: Budgets 和 cutbacks can lead to workloads that feel insurmountable 和 contribute to feelings of 焦虑 和 抑郁症.
  • 紧迫的期限: 用更少的时间做更多的事, can feel overwhelming 和 add to feelings of irritability or anger.
  • 提高要求: Pressure to constantly work at peak performance can cause loss of confidence, 还有身体上的症状,比如头痛和胃病.
  • 缺乏控制: 感觉微观管理, or having no input or control over the work you do or the way you do it can cause stress symptoms like apathy 和 loss of interest in work.
  • 不足的金额: Lack of opportunity for advancement or low compensation can add to stress about money 和 feeling unengaged.


T在这里 are plenty of changes at work that you can make to help control stress. Changing your habits 和 daily routine also has the benefit of helping reduce the 重复性劳损的风险. 而总压力, 最后期限, increased responsibilities 和 fear of termination can all contribute to a generally stressful atmosp在这里, 这并不意味着你必须在工作场所保持被动. 这里有一些你可以做的修改可能会有所帮助:

  • 了解自己: We're often not even aware of the stress we're under, or if we are, we're not sure of the source. Try to stay in tune with your body 和 your emotions while you're at work. 在某些情况下你的心率会飙升吗? 请注意它. Do you find yourself particularly aggressive or angry around certain people? 请注意它. Is t在这里 a certain responsibility that makes you break into a cold sweat? 请注意它. 一旦你意识到压力的具体诱因, 也许你能对他们做点什么.
  • 提高你的沟通技巧: Talking through your problems with a manager or a coworker in a calm, reasoned manner can go a long way toward repairing interpersonal relationships 和 ultimately reducing stress in the workplace. If you find yourself in a particularly heated or emotional exchange, 考虑一下休息一下,稍后再继续谈话. Be a good neighbor at work 和 don't be excessively negative toward coworkers, 即使你不同意他们的观点. And if you have a complaint or a problem to raise, work out beforeh和 what you want to say. Communicating your thoughts 和 feelings successfully can be a major relief of stress.
  • 做深呼吸练习: 你可能不知道, 但当你焦虑或有压力时, 你的呼吸很可能是浅而不规则的. This creates a bad feedback loop, as irregular breathing can cause even more stress.
    • 每天花几分钟专注于深呼吸. Not only will it calm you down, but it can clear your mind 和 help you work.
    • 咨询, 瑜伽和冥想都提供了具体的深呼吸方法, 但总体思路通常是一样的. 坐直的时候, 长时间进食, 用鼻子深呼吸, 然后慢慢地用嘴呼气. Do this for several minutes — you might try closing your eyes, too. 你会惊讶于它是多么有效.


有可能你的日常生活和习惯, 毫无疑问,经过多年的发展, 是否造成了无法忍受的压力. Sometimes it's the simplest aspects of our lives that need to be revamped.

  • 多睡一会儿: 睡眠不足和压力是密切相关的, 事实上, 形成恶性循环, 一个问题鼓励并促成了另一个问题. 我们需要睡眠来休息和处理压力. 然而,趋势正在朝着错误的方向发展. 根据 睡眠基金会, 35.2% of American adults average less than seven hours of sleep each night. 一般来说, 成年人每晚需要7-9小时的睡眠.
  • 多运动: People have a built-in ability to fight stress: physical exercise. Scientists 和 health-care professionals are virtually unanimous in touting the benefits of a regular exercise routine. 慢跑, 骑自行车, 游泳, walking or just about anything else that gets your heart rate up will increase your brain's production of endorphins 和 improve your mood.
  • 早退上班: 你可能会认为自己总是在忙碌, 但是匆忙上班对任何一天来说都不是一个好的开始. 试试这个实验:持续一周, leave home 15 minutes before your usual departure time 和 see what kind of impact it has.
  • 健康饮食: Food we often crave when stressed — comfort foods like sugary items, 意大利面或炸薯条——会导致情绪和精力崩溃. Maintaining an even blood sugar level can help maintain energy 和 focus. 这可以通过少量、频繁的健康饮食来实现. 附近没有健康的东西? 在家准备一份健康的午餐,并带着它去上班.

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