Man surveys a room that has been burglarized.

Tips to help prevent burglary

Consider these home burglary prevention ideas to help protect your home.

入室盗窃可能发生在任何地方——城市、郊区和农村地区. 根据联邦调查局的最新数据, residential properties accounted for almost 63% of all reported burglaries in 2019. Don't let your home become another statistic.

即使盗窃发生时你不在家,它也会打破你的安全感. 幸运的是, 采取一些简单的预防措施可能有助于降低窃贼进入你家的风险.


了解窃贼的目标是什么是有益的,这样你就可以相应地计划你的家庭安全措施. 小偷通常寻找有货币价值的小件物品,他们可以迅速获得并轻易转售.

  • 主卧室的抽屉和壁橱往往是小偷首先下手的地方. Try to secure valuables, jewelry, collectibles and cash elsew在这里.
  • Your office or desk may be filled with important papers, statements and checkbooks — which could lead to identity theft. Encrypt vulnerable information that's stored on your home computer, and think about keeping important documents in a 家安全. 如果可能的话,把你的pp王者电子官网箱藏好,用螺栓固定在地板上,这样它就不容易被移走.
  • 小偷还会把目标对准家庭娱乐室,寻找游戏系统和小型电子产品. 考虑用窗帘遮住窗户,既能过滤光线,又能阻挡入侵者看到你的组件.

晚上,打开你的灯,拉开窗帘,在你的房子外面走走. You'll see what's visible to a burglar from your yard or sidewalk. Then have someone turn off the lights in your home. You may be surprised how much you can still see from street level. 在此练习之后,您可能会选择移动某些项目或更频繁地拉百叶窗.

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  • 门窗 – Lock and secure all entry points. 信不信由你, 这可能是房主容易忘记的最简单、最明显的预防措施之一,也是窃贼容易利用的预防措施. 也许你在同一条街上住了几十年,怀疑这种事会发生在你身上. Maybe you're in a rush and skip the usual routine. 无论在什么情况下,出门时都要记得锁好门窗.
  • 坚固的门锁 -在所有外部门和附属车库的门上安装死栓锁. 选择美国国家标准协会(ANSI)授予1级的门栓. The ANSI tests locks for security and durability, 并给他们1级, 2 or 3 with Grade 1 being the best.
  • 门板 - To help make existing locks more secure,安装一个重型打击板,使用3英寸螺钉穿透墙柱. Make sure the door strike is held in place by four or more screws. 您也可以通过安装门框加固产品来加固门框.
  • 安全标识 - Add a security sign to your yard or stickers to your door. It may not fool a burglar, but he may think twice about hitting your home.
  • 报警系统—考虑建立一个 家庭安防系统 用相机. You might even qualify for 折扣 on your 房主 insurance.
  • 景观 -尽量修剪灌木和灌木丛,这样窃贼就没有多少藏身之处. 修剪房屋附近较低的树枝,如果它们能帮助窃贼进入二楼的窗户. If you're in the process of adding new landscaping, maybe opt to plant thorny bushes such as roses under and around windows. You might also consider using gravel on walkways or below windows, 脚步声的嘎吱声可以帮助阻止窃贼,因为他们通常更喜欢安静的入口.
  • 外部照明 -在入口附近安装运动感应照明,以猝不及防地抓住入侵者-但要把它放在足够高的地方,使窃贼无法伸手去拧开灯泡.
  • 清理 -当你用完工具、梯子、自行车和其他贵重物品后,把它们收起来. 如果你的东西太显眼,窃贼可能会想知道你里面还有什么.
  • 毛茸茸的家庭保护者 - Dogs can be good burglar deterrents, especially large breeds. Let your dog be seen — and heard. A thief who knows t在这里's a dog in the house may decide to move on.

How to make it look like someone is home

考虑一下这些建议,当你外出或外出时,让你的家看起来有人 延长假期.

  • 把灯放在随机设置的计时器上,以防止小偷发现模式.
  • If you'll be away for a short time, consider leaving a radio or TV on, turned up loud enough that it might be heard outdoors. If a longer trip is in your plans, 考虑使用一种电子设备来模拟电视的灯光和闪烁.
  • If you are away from home on garbage pickup day, 让邻居把你的垃圾桶放到街上,然后把它们拿回来.
  • If you're away for a lengthy trip, have your lawn mowed or raked and have your driveway, porch and walks cleared of snow or leaves. Don't let daily deliveries pile up while you're away.
  • You might also ask a trusted neighbor to watch your home, gather your mail and otherwise give the appearance of activity.

Additional ways to help protect your home from burglary

  • Ask police if they'll do a safety check of your home. An officer can help point out w在这里 your home is vulnerable.
  • 在你的电子产品上刻上一个非官方的身份证号,如果物品被盗,可以帮助警察追踪.
  • 给每个房间和里面的东西拍照片或家庭录像,并把录像存放在pp王者电子官网箱里. 学习如何 创建一个家庭清单 还有州立农场的小费®.
  • Don't post your travel plans on social media websites. Some burglars use social networking sites to find victims.

阅读更多关于 protecting your residence and consider talking to an agent about 房主, 租房者 or 公寓unitowners insurance from 状态 Farm.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm无关的各种来源® (包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

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Protecting your home while on vacation


帮助 control your home monitoring system with your smartphone

最新一代的远程家庭监控远远超出了烟雾探测和入侵警报. 多种专业和自己动手的选择可以帮助你的家成为一个智能家居.

Safer door hinges to make your home more secure

The wrong hinge style can leave your house vulnerable to burglary. 以下是其他选项.

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