

Tips for cooking a turkey in a deep fryer without causing a dangerous fire this Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is a time for family and holiday traditions including taste testing Thanksgiving recipes. It's also a time w在这里 family members may want to join in the food preparation, so 消防安全 是很重要的. 以油炸火鸡的速度, 难以抗拒的味道和多汁, turkey frying has become a Thanksgiving tradition for some. Turkey fryers have the potential to cause fire and serious injury. 每年这些 油炸锅 平均造成60人受伤, 5 deaths and over $15 million in property damage according to the National Fire Protection Association. Because of injuries, Underwriters Laboratories does not safety certify any turkey fryers. If you plan to deep-fry your holiday bird, be sure you know how to safely use the fryer, and use these turkey fryer safety precautions to help protect yourself, 你的客人和你的家.

Tips to prevent deep fried turkey accidents

  • 永远不要让煎锅无人看管.
  • 与室外的炸锅保持安全距离 from structures, off wooden decks and away from trees.
  • 不要用煎锅 在车库.
  • 把煎锅放在水平面上 并且在使用中避免移动它.
  • 永远不要尝试油炸冷冻火鸡. Ice or water that mixes into the hot oil can cause flare-ups. Make sure the turkey is thawed and dry before cooking. Also, skip stuffing the turkey before frying.
  • 当心天气. Never operate a fryer outdoors in the rain or snow.
  • T在这里 should be 2 feet between the burner and tank.
  • 按照制造商的说明操作 避免过度填充.
  • 选择大小合适的火鸡. 8到10磅重的鸟是最好的.
  • Purchase a fryer with temperature controls. Continuously check the oil temperature carefully. Cooking oil that is heated beyond its smoke point can catch fire. 如果你注意到油在冒烟, 关掉油炸锅.
  • 关掉燃烧器 before lowering the turkey into the oil. Once the turkey is submerged, turn the burner back on.
  • 穿戴防护炊具. 戴上护目镜保护眼睛, use oven mitts to help protect your hands and arms, 也要保持“ABC”或油脂等级 灭火器 在附近. 从来没有 use water or a garden hose on a fire related to turkey fryers.
  • Always keep children and pets away from the fryer.
  • 一旦完成了, turn off the burner and carefully remove the pot, place it on a level surface and cover to let the oil cool overnight before disposing.
  • 选择一个无油的煎锅. This uses infrared heat, rather than oil, to cook the turkey.

After your turkey is prepared, remember these 感恩节食品安全提示 to help ensure your family has a safe, enjoyable holiday.

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