

This introduction to checking accounts helps explain some features to seek and avoid.

一个传统的 个人支票账户 这是保证你的钱安全的最好方法之一吗. 通常用于短期资金存款, checking accounts are insured at banks and credit unions — FDIC (Federal Deposit pp王者电子官网 Corporation) for banks and NCUA (National Credit Union Administration) at a Credit Union.

如果您对使用支票账户很陌生,我们有 核对账户提示 that show how to write a check, deposit money into the account and help keep the account safe.


简单的说, a checking account allows you to deposit funds into an insured account and lets you add and withdraw funds as needed. 支票账户通常用于日常开支,包括 付账单而储蓄账户是用来为更大的目标存钱的.


如果你不喜欢带现金, a checking account – and the debit card it offers – allows you access to your funds without the need to have cash on hand.


  • 写检查.
  • Pay for purchases and bills using the debit card associated with your checking account.
  • 每天24小时在自动取款机上用你的借记卡取款.
  • 下载手机应用程序并查看余额, 网上支付账单存款支票或将资金从一家银行转移到另一家银行.
  • 到您当地的分行办理存取款业务.
  • 使用一次性或定期付款的账单支付选项.
  • 通过手机应用程序向另一个人汇款.


  • 在线检查 -如果你不需要实体银行,这可能是一个低/免费的选择.
  • 免费检查 – Many institutions will provide free basic checking when certain criteria is met such as automatic deposits e.g. 就业或政府,或最低存款金额. 这个账户可以是一个人的,也可以是两个或两个以上的人的.
  • 感兴趣的检查 -通常情况下,将需要一个最低(有些高)的余额.
  • 溢价检查 -通常需要较高的余额. 可以提供利息等福利, 公证, 钱的订单, 免费支票和财务建议.
  • 学生检查 —10、20多岁的学生可以使用该账户. 缺点可能是需要一个共同签署人.
  • 第二次机会 – These accounts are designed for those who’ve had a history of problems with previous banking.
  • 高级检查 – Typically designed for customers 55 or over, these accounts may offer some perks.
  • 业务检查 – Business owners may want to consider this type of account due to benefits it may offer.

Banks and credit unions offer different products and may have different fee structures. 在做出选择时考虑这些信息.




  • 我一般会在支票账户上存多少钱?
  • 我打算每个月开几张支票? 有些支票账户可能会限制你的支票金额, 但许多公司提供无限制的支票签发,有些公司提供无支票的支票签发.
  • 我通常要去几次自动取款机? Verify with the bank how many ATM transactions are allowed without a fee and whether you will incur a fee if using another bank's ATM.

如果你以前有过支票账户, 你可以通过查看旧的报表来获得这些信息. 如果没有,看看你的财务状况,做一个粗略的估计.


一旦你选择了银行或信用合作社, 你需要申请一个帐户, 通常是通过与私人银行家交谈. You’ll need some proof of identification and your social security number and possibly your address. During this meeting you can discuss direct deposits and possibly open up a savings account, 这也可以作为一个 应急基金.


虽然可以使用免费支票账户,但它们可能有限制. 阅读有关支票或ATM取款限制的细则. If you go over the allotted amount, you may be charged a fee for each instance. 这些钱很快就会累积起来,超过每月的服务费.

此外,还有其他方法可以免费或几乎免费地拥有一个支票账户. Some banks will totally waive the monthly service fee if you have a regular direct deposit to your account, 比如你的薪水, 或者如果你用借记卡买了一定数量的东西.

You can also find checking accounts that have no monthly service fee and that earn interest if you maintain a minimum balance. Keep in mind that going below a required minimum balance could result in being charged a monthly service fee. 通常这些最低余额并不是最低的.

记住,支票账户不是储蓄账户. 当涉及到高平衡要求时, 仔细检查是否赚取了利息, 每月的服务费也避免了维持如此高的余额.


  • 检查打印费用. 每次你需要打印新的支票,你可能会产生费用, 如果你想个性化,它们可能会花更多的钱. 有些帐户可能包括免费支票.
  • 每月的维护或服务费用. 这是账户的固定金额. 如果你有直接存款,这笔费用是可以避免的, if you maintain a certain minimum balance established by your banking institution or if you have a certain number of monthly debit card purchases.
  • ATM的费用. 你通常都能 使用借记卡 在银行的自动取款机上免费取钱. But when you use an ATM owned by a different bank, they will likely charge you a fee for using it. Some checking accounts may offer a certain amount of ATM withdrawals free of charge at ATMs that are owned by other institutions. And some checking accounts may have a limit on the amount of free of charge ATM withdrawals.
  • 余额查询费. 你可以用借记卡在自动取款机上查询你的余额. 如果你使用银行以外的自动取款机,你可能会被收取费用.
  • 透支费. 这些费用在支票兑现时适用, 或者从你的账户中付款, 你的账户里没有足够的钱来支付这笔费用. 一些支票账户提供透支保护服务, 即使你的余额为负,你的付款或支票在哪里通过, 但是如果你使用了这项服务,你的银行会向你收取费用. A way to help prevent this from happening is to balance your account frequently so that you have enough money to support your transactions.
  • 拒付支票费. 如果你的支票账户没有透支保护, 您的付款或支票由于缺乏足够的资金而被退回, 你会产生费用. Those fees can be charged by your bank and/or the third party that you made a payment to. 当付款反弹时,它可能会对你的家庭产生负面影响 信用评分.
  • 停止支付费用. This fee is charged by your bank in the case that you request to stop a payment or a check. 只有账户持有人可以要求停止付款.


Eliminating other checking account fees can be as easy as exercising good banking habits. 例如, fees for insufficient funds or overdraft protection can really add up since you’d be charged each time a check or a payment is applied while you have insufficient funds. 但是你可以通过只花你账户里的钱来避免这些. 如果你一直保存支票簿或者 在线监控交易,你就会知道你要花多少钱.

You can keep tabs on your balance by logging in online or into the app on a frequent basis. 每月查看你的支票账户对账单也很重要. 如果您决定不接收邮件中的纸质对账单, 登录你的银行网站,下载电子版. Your statement provides a big picture of your spending and reviewing it carefully is a good way to see that no fraudulent or inaccurate activity has occurred.


另一种帮助避免费用的方法是只使用银行拥有的自动取款机. 当您使用其他银行拥有和运营的自动取款机时, 你可能会从自动取款机的主人和你的银行那里收取费用. 尽量提前计划,如果可能的话,只从银行的自动取款机上取钱.


不,一般 信用报告 没有银行账户吗. 然而,银行可能会审查 ChexSystems报告 看看你以前在银行账户上是否遇到过麻烦.

既然你已经了解了更多关于支票账户的知识, 费用和种类, 你可能想要阅读其他金融主题,比如 预算,如何找到 正确的信用卡 or 如何设定财务目标.

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The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.







Staying informed about your credit report could stop credit fraud and identity theft.


Having extra cash in an 应急基金 comes in handy when life throws you something unexpected.


了解更多关于储蓄账户的知识以及它们是如何运作的. We share four different kinds of savings to help you decide which one may help with your financial goals.

丢了钱包? 身份盗窃或欺诈可能随之而来


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